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Liana Zaretsky


Liana Zaretsky is an active chamber and orchestral musician in the Boston area. She is the former principal second violinist of Portland, ME, Symphony and appears regularly with the Boston Ballet, Boston Symphony and Boston Pops Esplanade Orchestras.

An avid chamber musician, Ms. Zaretsky was one of the original and former members of the Radius Ensemble. She has collaborated with faculty from Longy School of Music, New England Conservatory, as well as with Boston Symphony members to perform frequently. Ms. Zaretsky holds a Masters degree in music from Northwestern University and a Graduate Diploma degree from the New England Conservatory. Between degrees, she was a member of the New World Symphony-one of the rotating Concert Masters, under Michael Tilson Thomas.

Ms. Zaretsky is currently a string faculty member for the Preparatory and School of Continuing Education at the New England Conservatory, Project STEP. ant the Rivers School Conservatory, She continues to actively work with the Boston Youth Symphonies coaching chamber music and leading orchestra repertoire sectionals.

From summer of 1992 to 2010 Ms. Zaretsky was a regular member of the Peninsula Music Festival Orchestra in Wisconsin, under conductor Victor Yampolsky. She spent several summers teaching at Music on the Hill (MOTH) at the Powers Music School, eventually co-directing the program. From 2018 to 2021, she directed the Summer Music Program at the Rivers School Conservatory. She recently joined the faculty at Point Counterpoint, teaching and performing at the Prelude session.

Liana Zaretsky



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